Building together

Let’s create the city we want for tomorrow, together. Culture and art must contribute more than ever: they are powerful drivers of imagination and action.

Joint development workshop with the Sismo teams, “Being a European city today”.

Our association is based on the desire to:

– bring together the arts, culture and heritage by involving as many people as possible in their development and production,

– create sustainable links between cultural, educational, economic and social organisations,

– strengthen the European element of the region through increased cooperation with stakeholders and cities from different countries.

We want to:

– make Montpellier 2028 a welcoming place for artists that supports their creativity

– enable better use of public spaces

– provide visibility for the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI)

All the participating communities are also focusing on young people, building a “child-friendly” region.

To rise to all these major challenges, Montpellier 2028 is counting on those who bring art, culture and our heritage to life: artists, educational, economic and social figures, visitors and audiences, fans and residents.

Joint development workshops

As early as 2022, a first series of workshops to co-construct the bid was organized with the key players interested in the project. A total of five meetings were held between May and June 2022, designed as opportunities to work and exchange ideas around the five key themes of Montpellier 2028.

In 2023, this mobilizing and unifying work will continue. The aim is to bring together representatives of institutions, associations and private partners, as well as social, educational, territorial and cultural players, to help define a common ambition, with, for example, thematic meetings focusing on health, inclusion and accessibility, and working sessions to build programming together and create lasting links between them.

Fly the flag
for Montpellier 2028

Contact us for the latest news on the pre-application, to access the press releases and download the visuals by clicking here.