Tendance Floue exhibition on the Corum roof


To mark the opening of Panorama, which makes the Corum roof the most open and unexpected rooftop in the region, M28 -Terres de culture presents a selection of images taken in 2022 and 2023 by photographers from the Tendance Floue collective in residence in the Montpellier-Sète catchment area.

Exhibition from July 12, Tuesday to Sunday, 6pm to 1am
Location: Panorama – toit du Corum, Esplanade Charles-de-Gaulle, des Arts et de la Culture (Montpellier)

Tendance Floue on M28 territory

Six photographers from the Tendance Floue collective – Denis Bourges, Gilles Coulon, Yohanne Lamoulère, Flore-Aël Surun, Patrick Tourneboeuf and Alain Willaume – turned their singular gaze on the M28 territory. From Montpellier’s first tramway line to the Pic-Saint Loup, on the water, on the roads or along the byways, these artists have showcased the diversity and richness of the region.

Find out more about the artists and the residency podcast here.

Tendance Floue is a group of French photographers who have won international awards for their work at the crossroads of the social, the cultural, the documentary and the artistic. Exploring the world against the tide of a globalized image, peering into the shadows of exhibited subjects, capturing moments apart: Tendance Floue is a unique laboratory. Over the past thirty years, an indefinable alchemy of ideas and energies has created a singular photographic language, and renewed the terrain of narrative.
Over and above their individual approaches, the photographers embark on photographic adventures of a different kind, with a performance feel. Confronting images, assembling them, combining them: new material emerges from the shared work. Press, publishing, exhibitions, screenings, communications: the collective explores every medium of contemporary photography, with no holds barred. Nearly thirty years after it was founded, Tendance Floue is now recognized as a major player in French photography, and leading institutions call on its collective creativity.


From July 12, 2024, the roof of the Corum in Montpellier will be transformed into a place of life, conviviality and attractiveness as part of the 6th “Permis d’Imaginer”, a transitional urban planning project driven by Michaël Delafosse, Mayor of Montpellier and President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole. With the help of Altemed and the Halle Tropisme team, winners of the call for expressions of interest launched at the beginning of May, this new space, open to all, is part of the strategy to transform the city center, following on from the embellishment of Place de la Comédie and Esplanade Charles-de-Gaulle.

Panorama – Un été sur le toit du Corum: a cultural, gastronomic and recreational program is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday, 6 pm to 1 am, from July 12 to October 12, 2024.

Find out more here.

On the occasion of Panorama – Un été sur le toit du Corum, in Montpellier from July 12 to October 12, M28 – Terres de culture is offering you the chance to win an Interrail pass.

Try your luck at exploring Europe by train – 7 days of travel in 33 European countries!

How to enter?

  1. Rendez-vous at Panorama sur le toit du Corum – Esplanade Charles-de-Gaulle, des Arts et de la Culture
  2. Post your best photo from the roof or from the roof of the Corum (a beautiful view of the M28 territory awaits you) from July 12 at 6pm to July 17, 2024 at 1am.
  3. Using hashtags #M28Terresdeculture #panorama
  4. Tag @montpellier2028

A draw will determine the winner.

Find the contest rules here.

Please note that for your entry to be taken into account, your account must be public for the duration of the game.

Good luck to you all!

Find out more about the Panorama program here.

Jean Hugo tribute season on the M28 territory


The tribute season dedicated to Jean Hugo on Territoire M28, the fruit of a unique cooperation – between the Musée Fabre in Montpellier, the Musée Paul Valéry in Sète and the Musée Médard in Lunel – is open all summer and into autumn.

As part of its 2023 call for projects, M28 also supported the “Chemin Jean Hugo, sur les pas du peintre poète” initiative led by the Association des Amis de Jean Hugo. An itinerary that links the sites painted by Jean Hugo and shares his works with as many people as possible.

The exhibitions “Jean Hugo, le regard magique” at the Fabre Museum in Montpellier, “Jean Hugo, entre ciel et terre” at the Musée Paul Valéry in Sète, and ‘Jean Hugo, le regard magique, sa vie à Lunel de 1920 à 1984’ at the Musée Médard in Lunel, are an exceptional opportunity to discover or rediscover this artist and his home region, to which he was so attached and whose landscapes inspired him so much.

The exhibitions were accompanied by three vernissages on three different dates (June 19 at the Musée Médard, June 27 at the Musée Fabre and June 28 at the Musée Paul Valéry), marking the launch of the cross-programming in which M28 – Terres de culture played a key role, in the presence of Michaël Delafosse, François Commeinhes and Pierre Soujol and members of the association’s Board of Directors.

Find out more about each exhibition below:

A new chapter for M28!


On Thursday June 27, “M28 – Terres de culture” brought together cultural players and project leaders for a workshop at the Maison des Relations Internationales Nelson Mandela (Montpellier). Sophie Léron, President of M28, and Nicolas Dubourg, Artistic Director, presented the association’s new roadmap and the co-construction process for event 25 entitled “Les chemins du vivant”, which will take place from September 28 to October 4, 2025.

Mathieu Argaud, Director of Bipolar, illustrated the dynamic underway with an example of a project located in the “Atlas sensible fêtes de la Mosson”.

The meeting also provided an opportunity for useful and fruitful exchanges between the various players, based on M28’s values: a cooperative, inclusive, cross-sectoral approach open to the world. This meeting marks the launch of a new chapter for the association, and the beginning of the construction of event 25 – Les chemins du vivant.

This was followed by a convivial reception in the presence of Michaël Delafosse, Mayor of Montpellier and President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, accompanied by Sophie Léron and Nicolas Dubourg, Board members Jeanne Corporon, André Deljarry, Martine Durand Rambier, Anne Ferrer, Clare Hart, and the association’s partners and sponsors, in the gardens of the Maison des Relations Internationales.

Forum Entreprendre dans la culture in Occitanie


On the occasion of the forum Entreprendre dans la Culture en Occitanie, organised by Context’Art in partnership with the Université Paul Valéry, the BPI and Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, on 26 and 27 June, M28 – Terres de culture is offering you the chance to win an Interrail pass.

If you’re attending the forum, try your luck at exploring Europe by train – 7 days of travel in 33 European countries!

How to enter?

  1. Meet us at the Entreprendre dans la culture en Occitanie forum
  2. Post your best photos of the forum on Instagram in story or publication on Wednesday June 26 and Thursday June 27 before 11:59 p.m.
  3. Use hashtags#M28Terresdeculture #EntreprendredanslacultureOccitanie
  4. Tag @montpellier2028

A draw will determine the winner.

Find the contest rules here.

Please note that for your entry to be taken into account, your account must be public for the duration of the game.

Good luck to you all!

Find out more about the program for the Forum Entreprendre dans la culture en Occitanie here.

A new roadmap for M28!


The Board of Directors of “M28 – Terres de culture” met on Wednesday May 29 in Saint-Jean-Fos (Hérault Valley). It was an opportunity to propose a new governance, develop new missions and announce an event in the autumn of 2025. Responding to the invitation of Jean-François SOTO, Mayor of Gignac and President of the Hérault Valley community of communes, and in the presence of Pascal DELIEUZE, Mayor of Saint-Jean-de-Fos, all the members of the CA were able to visit the Argileum of Saint-Jean-de-Fos and the Abbey of Aniane on this occasion.

Governance adapted to new challenges

The M28 Board of Directors made it possible to initiate a new stage for the dynamics of the territory in favor of culture with the installation of governance adapted to the challenges to come, with the election of Sophie LERON, to the position of President of the M28 association and welcoming new members:

  • the Occitanie Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs, represented by Michel ROUSSEL its director. The presence of the State was unanimously welcomed. The entry of the Ministry of Culture through the DRAC Occitanie is fundamental and highly symbolic.
  • the Montpellier University Hospital, represented by Anne FERRER, its director, who will provide valuable support in linking culture, health and inclusion.
  • Charlotte GIRERD, Director of Transition, CSR and Innovation of SNCF Immobilier and Alexandre LABASSE, General Director of the Parisian Urban Planning Workshop, as qualified personalities who will be able to support the association in the development of emerging urban themes and transformation projects innovative.
  • Adèle CHARVET remains one of the faces of M28 by continuing her commitment to the association as a qualified personality.

“Culture is a transformative power for the territory, an instrument serving its resilience and reinvention. Culture is what makes the territory a living organism.”

Sophie Léron, President of M28

A dynamic which demonstrates the vitality of the M28 approach in the territory.

For two years, the Montpellier 2028 – European Capital of Culture association did more than work for Montpellier’s candidacy for the title of European Capital of Culture: the approach made it possible to give substance to the notion of territory. A living area, a continuum of experiences and a community of destinies facing contemporary climatic, social and economic challenges.

“M28 – Terres de culture” is conceived today as a supplement of soul, in the etymological sense of the term – that which animates, that which gives breath – an approach which is not content to interweave administrative cogs, but builds an organic link between local stakeholders. By decompartmentalizing culture to make it an instrument of resilience.

The Board of Directors unanimously voted for the co-constructed roadmap which presents the actions to be implemented in the coming months, with all the partners and echoing the feedback from the winning project leaders in the Calls for projects 2022 and 2023.

To continue to fertilize the soil of our imaginations, to transform the territory through culture and build a common future through dialogue and the hybridization of forms, materials and disciplines, “M28 – Terres de culture” is adopting new missions. :

  • Animate a common framework going beyond existing administrative structures and aiming to transform, through culture, the territory defined in the continuity of the candidacy of Montpellier and its partners to become European Capital of Culture,
  • To create a space for experimentation with new artistic forms and collaboration around the daily problems of the inhabitants and the major issues that cross this territory,
  • Take an experimental and cross-sectoral approach,
  • Support joint projects, document them and give them shared visibility.

A major event in 2025

Finally, the members of the board of directors of “M28 – Terres de culture” approved the holding of a major cultural event, under the artistic direction of Nicolas Dubourg. Divided into 7 major meetings and punctuated by dozens of transdisciplinary events, with the participation of residents, it will extend over the entire territory, from Château Laurens to Agde to Sana to Grau du Roi, including The source of the Lez or the Lunel Canal. At the end of a year of residencies and experiments, this event “The Paths of Living” will take place for a week from September 28 to October 4, 2025 and will be followed by a handover with the Euro-Africa Biennale the weekend of October 5 and 6, 2025.

M28 celebrates Europe!


On Europe Day, M28 celebrates its commitment to the European Union and the values that underpin it: the Rule of Law, Democracy, Equality, Human Rights, Freedom and Human Dignity.

The M28 territory is firmly in line with the European Union’s objectives for tackling the major challenges of our time, such as climate change and democracy. M28 also strongly defends the principle of a Europe united in its diversity. Art and culture are powerful vectors for preserving these ties.

This Thursday, May 9, M28 and Eyes Wide Open (2023 winner of M28) are uniting to offer you an Interrail pass and a photo book, as part of the “Civis Maritimus, 1ère vague” exhibition in Sète.

How to enter the photo competition?

  1. Visit the “Civis Maritimus, 1ère vague” exhibition 
  2. Post a story on Instagram of your exhibition favorite before 11:59pm on May 9, 2024
  3. Use one of the hashtags of your choice : #EuropeUnie, #EuropeVivante, #EuropeenPaix
  4. Tag @_theeyeswideopen and @montpellier2028

A draw will be held to select the winner.
Find the contest rules here.

Please note that for your entry to count, your account must be public for the duration of the game!

Good luck to you all!


Organized by Eyes Wide Open, as part of the Itinérances Foto tour, the exhibition invites us to take a step back from our conventional perception of the marine environment, with four young artists: Aliki Christoforou, Charles Thiefaine, Alice Pallot and Manon Lanjouère.

The exhibition runs from May 1 to 20, Wednesday to Sunday, 2:30 to 7:00 pm, at the Théâtre de la Mer in Sète.

Programme Thursday May 9 from 6.00 pm
at Théâtre de la Mer in Sète (Salle Tarbouriech)

  • Vernissage in the presence of the artists
  • Visit of the exhibition followed by an Apéro and DJ set with Filosofia 
  • Announcement and presentation of the two 2024 Ronan Guillou Fellowship winners (European photographers), in residence in Sète in May and June to carry out their projects associating the human and marine worlds.
  • First Agora Civis Maritimus with Alice Pallot and Manon Lanjouère to share their marine-related projects

M28 meets at Grand Pic Saint-Loup!


Working meeting with representatives of local authorities and the association’s partners, in the premises of the community of communes of Grand Pic Saint-Loup.

For this new phase of transformation, M28 is continuing its collective commitment, in the continuity of the dynamic initiated. A sequence of work rich in the contributions of each and everyone, on the occasion of which the first responses to the questionnaires sent to our project leaders were presented.

Discussions to also share the first avenues of reflection on the continuation of M28, with the aim of defining our common ambition and the action plans to be deployed in the M28 territory.

Thank you to Alain Barbe, President and Martine Durand-Rambier Vice-President, in charge of Culture and Heritage and to the teams of the community of communes of Grand Pic Saint-Loup for their welcome.

M28 the following, co-construction phase


Friday, March 1, a working meeting was held with the cultural departments of the local authorities members of the Montpellier 2028 Association at the Hôtel d’Aurès, the beating heart of M28.

Faced with the common challenges of the territory and in the continuity of the dynamic initiated, the teams were involved in this new phase of transformation and in the development of the association’s roadmap which will be presented to the Board of Directors before the summer.

The association will maintain an experimental and cross-sectoral approach, being a space for experimentation with new artistic forms and collaboration around the major issues that cross the territory of M28. Convinced that artistic creation can contribute to forging new imaginations capable of shaping a desirable future, M28 will be keen to continue its approach in favor of the hospitality of artists and the diversity of audiences.

Calls for projects 2022 – 2023

The Calls for Projects system: a powerful lever for a long-term approach

One of the strengths of our candidacy is to have been able to show the face
of the year of the title from its pre-selection phase. Thanks to a shared budget
and in a unique approach between all partner communities,
the Montpellier 2028 – European Capital of Culture Association brought
two Calls for Projects in 2022 and 2023.

Open to all artistic, cultural, educational, social and
heritage, their objectives have evolved according to the progress of the candidacy. The
two programs for 2022 and 2023 were intended to enrich the cultural offering
throughout the M28 territory with an eclectic program (shows,
hikes, creative workshops, competitions, readings, etc.).

Intended for all its inhabitants, the majority of
events are free and general public, but also geared towards
specific audiences (young people, seniors, people in migration situations,
people with disabilities, etc.).

The key numbers of the Calls for Projects
85 winning projects
More than 200 events
50 host communities for programming events
⅓ of projects with a European and/or international dimension in 2023

download the 2022 program
download the 2023 program

The adventure continues!


The communities and all the partners of the Montpellier 2028 association met on Tuesday January 9 at the Corum in Montpellier for a Board of Directors and a General Assembly.

In recent months, Montpellier 2028 has carried out with strength and commitment a project that has created something in common. This board of directors was an opportunity to present the collective assessment of the actions carried out in this application phase and to look back on all the progress made during this great adventure which has given rise to so many new initiatives which will remain as so many acquired.

During the Board of Directors, it was unanimously noted by the members of the association the desire to continue the collective path with common actions in the territory of M28 around, for example, themes which remain essential such as the transition ecological, Europe and inclusion; specific programs in 2024, particularly around youth and cross-sectorality. These actions may take different forms: calls for projects, financing of engineering in targeted locations, financing of themed collective actions, residency grants. An appointment is made for a board meeting before the summer setting the major objectives of the association, a timetable for achievement and the related means.

At the end, everyone was invited to a friendly moment at the Brasserie du Corum, in the presence of all the association’s partners (patrons and project leaders). Founding members, associate members, invited members and partners collectively displayed their enthusiasm for building the future together.

“The M28 adventure continues and is committed to a common transformative ambition in the face of the major challenges of the territory for today and the years to come. » Michaël Delafosse, Mayor of Montpellier and President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole.

download the M28 application report

© Alain Scherer

Montpellier 2028 in Dublin


“Culture Summit” by United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)

A day filled with exchanges on the theme of cooperation among Capitals of Culture.

The cities of Timisoara and Elefsina, European Capitals of Culture 2023, as well as San José in Costa Rica, shared their initial experiences. A source of inspiration for all, especially for the Deputy Mayor of Brazzaville, Clesh Atipo Ngapi, whose city will be the next African Capital of Culture alongside Kinshasa. The Brazzaville-Kinshasa duo will succeed Rabat and aims, through this nomination, to contribute to the structuring, empowerment, and networking of creative and cultural actors on the African continent.

This dialogue among European, African, and Ibero-American cities, facilitated by networks such as UCLG, is essential for developing decentralized cooperation and placing culture at the heart of our development strategies for sustainable, peaceful, and more inclusive cities.

Montpellier 2028 fully embraces this dynamic of cooperation and is already standing alongside all Capitals of Culture.

Montpellier 2028 had the honor of participating in the roundtable “Culture & Health,” moderated by Lars Ebert, Secretary-General of Culture Action Europe.

The scientific studies presented by Niels Fietje from the World Health Organization are eloquent and reinforce culture and health practitioners to work together to advance innovative approaches to mental health and well-being.

Éric Penso, Vice President of the Montpellier Metropolis, presented the actions taken in Montpellier in this direction, notably through the the Bulle Bleue projects, which act on a daily basis to promote access to training and employment for artists with disabilities, or the links we are developing with Oulu in Finland and their Smart Hospital project.

Montpellier 2028 at the European Parliament in Brussels


On the occasion of the Cities and Regions Forum for International Partnerships, a delegation from Montpellier 2028 went to Brussels to discuss international relations through the prism of culture and youth with the European network.

Clare Hart, Vice-President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole spoke during the opening session of the Forum on the role of local authorities in the context of international partnerships and the localization of the SDGs/Global Gateway.

Then, Michaël Delafosse, Mayor of the City of Montpellier, President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole chaired a workshop on the role of culture in the construction of a sustainable and inclusive city model, particularly for young people. The opportunity to share with other mayors and representatives of intermediary cities our project and vision of a sustainable, inclusive and exemplary territory as an accelerator of territorial cooperation and cohesion.

Driven by the conviction that culture is a lever for development and can help us invent new stories in the face of major contemporary issues, Montpellier 2028 continues its commitment to the European network and the African continent with the ambition to invent together new forms of cooperation and deploying imaginaries of transition.


Montpellier 2028, alongside the African Capital of Culture 2024!

The Cities and Regions for International Partnerships Forum was also an opportunity to strengthen our collaboration with the cities of Brazzaville and Kinshasa, which have just been jointly designated as the African Capitals of Culture for 2024.

These rich exchanges, particularly with Yvette Tabu Inangoy, Commissioner General in charge of culture for the province of Kinshasa, and Emma Clesh Atipo Ngapy, Deputy Mayor of Brazzaville, align with our commitment to dialogue and cooperation with the African continent.

Also an opportunity for Michaël Delafosse to meet again with Achille Mbembe, bearer of a strong message for local democracies.

After a first Biennale that took place in October 2023, strengthened by the ties formed in 2021 during the organization of the New Africa-France Summit, exploring new areas of partnerships, especially between artists and scientists, Montpellier asserts itself more than ever as a crossroads of ideas and aims to transform perspectives on the reality of African cultures.

Visit of members of the European jury delegation


Michaël Delafosse, Mayor of the City of Montpellier, President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, and the Montpellier 2028 team welcomed the members of the European jury delegation to Montpellier on Monday, December 4th, alongside representatives from local authorities and partners committed to our candidacy.

On the agenda: a tour of the cities of Montpellier and Sète with times for meetings and discussions on the major challenges of Montpellier 2028. With one objective: to provide an authentic and representative overview of our candidacy in all its richness and diversity.

The opportunity to discover the development project of the ZAC Boffil, future Fabrique M28, and to focus on our program, especially around Cultural and Creative Industries, citizen participation through the awareness-raising of future ambassadors of Water4future Hackatons among schoolchildren, high school students, and university students, Culture at the children’s level with the Fabre Museum and its innovative awareness devices for young and very young audiences, but also projects combining health and culture led by the University Hospital Center of Montpellier (CHU) with on-the-ground initiatives and inspiring creative activities to improve mental health. Presentation also of the future cultural dimension of the Chais Dubonnet in Sète, the relocation project of the MIAM International Museum of Modest Arts that is part of it, and the creation of spaces for sharing and conviviality, especially around gastronomy, but also participatory projects in social care institutions supported by Mécènes du sud.

Also an opportunity to reaffirm that the candidacy of Montpellier 2028 aims to transform the territory through the prism of culture by becoming a place of experimentation and invention at the crossroads between Europe and Africa, particularly in the face of contemporary challenges as illustrated by the Euro-Africa Biennial.

Furthermore, the strategy and evaluation methods of the title and its impact on the territory in the short and medium term were presented by the Center for Political and Social Studies (CEPEL), which will be in charge of its coordination.

This day concluded at the Théâtre de la Mer in Sète in the presence of François Commeinhes, Mayor of Sète and President of Sète Agglopôle Méditerranée, to the rhythm of the official anthem of Montpellier 2028 with the Association Les Loustics du Pic and to the sound of the guitars of Kema & Nelson Baliardo.


The visit reflected the Montpellier 2028 candidacy: with a “low carbon” and responsible approach.

The members of the European jury delegation discovered the cities of Montpellier and Sète by train, electric vehicles, velotaxis, and boat!

Thinking about new mobilities on the M28 scale is at the heart of the challenges of the Montpellier 2028 candidacy.

Adapting mobilities to new uses to address the ecological and social transition challenges we want for our territory begins with incentive measures, such as Montpellier’s free transportation policy or the renewed commitment of the Occitanie Region to offer TER tickets for €1 for all the highlights of our program; the reciprocal adaptation of M28 programming schedules and transport services.

This will also involve experimenting with river shuttles, promoting the use of bicycles and electric bicycles through artistic and cultural routes and projects by promoting intermodality (notably train+bicycle).

Montpellier 2028 mobilizes for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities!


10 h 00

On Saturday December 2 from 10:00 to 12:30 and from 16:00 to 20:00, the city of Montpellier is organizing an event entitled “Cap sur la culture”.

This initiative aims to celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and in particular diversity and inclusion in the arts and culture sector.

The Salle des Rencontres at Montpellier City Hall will be the venue for this celebration, with a rich program ranging from poetry to live shows, round tables and musical performances.

See the full program here.

Montpellier 2028 is giving away an Interrail pass for the occasion! Enter our “Europe by train” photo competition and try your luck!

How to enter?

1. Go to the “Cap sur la culture” event.

2. Take a photo of yourself with one of our photo frames in support of the Montpellier 2028 bid.

3. Post your best photos on your Instagram account, tagging @montpellier2028, with the hashtags #montpellier2028 #JIPSH2023
before 11:59pm on December 02, 2023

A draw will be held to select the winner.

Find the contest rules here.

Please note that for your entry to count, your account must be public for the duration of the game!

For the disabled, assistance can be requested on board by the pass holder, and their carer can obtain a free Interrail pass.

Good luck to you all!

Cœur de Ville en Lumières


18 h 30

(free admission)

November 16 to 18, 2023 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm

Montpellier and all its partner communities are finalists to become European Capital of Culture in 2028.

This year, Cœur de Ville en Lumières takes us to the heart of Europe, to discover three European Capitals of Culture in 2023: Eleusis (Greece), Timisoara (Romania) and Veszprem (Hungary).
Punctuated by stopovers on the African continent, the program links and celebrates the cultural wonders of our two continents.
Water, which links the various territories of the Montpellier 2028 bid, occupies a central place in this 8th edition, which aims to deploy our sensibilities and imaginations towards a desirable future.

download the full program


“Europe en cœur, shine in Europe” at the Opéra Comédie
This show plunges us into a unique adventure that links Romanian and French culture. A visual, sound and immersive universe that bridges the gap between two cultures: Timisoara has been a cultural avant-garde since 1884!

“Veszprem” at Eglise Saint-Roch
This show offers a dreamlike, cultural incursion into the spirit of Hungary and the city of Veszprem, European Capital of Culture 2023. Elements of Veszprem’s tangible and intangible heritage invite themselves onto the neo-Gothic facade of the Church of St. Roch, ready to destructure and generate spectacular architectural effects.

“Eleusis” at Poste Rondelet
Discover the Greek world, Eleusis, European Capital of Culture 2023, and its great ancient mysteries. ELEUSIS, a very large-format show, on the imposing Poste Rondelet, at the sources of Western civilization.

“Asteri, Csillag and Stéa” at the Cour de l’Agora
Spotlight on culture! Embark on a colorful, immersive journey to the heart of the three new European Capitals of Culture 2023: Eleusis, Timisoara and Veszprem. Follow the stars…

“Rêves d’Afrique” at Hôtel Saint-Côme
In this journey to Africa, light will wrap the Hôtel Saint-Côme in boubous, motifs and colors. A haute couture tribute to African cultures and 18th-century architecture.

“Afro’rythmes” at the Hôtel d’Aurès
African music takes center stage. Drawing inspiration from its rhythms and instruments, its colors and energies, we offer you a sensory and intoxicating journey, inviting you to dance and travel.

“Africa in lights” at Saint-Pierre Cathedral
e-artsup Montpellier’s motion design and 2D/3D animation students pay tribute to contemporary African artists through a graphic, musical and animated journey.

“Aquatic Legends” at the Prefecture
Water, the cornerstone of our civilizations, has always deeply nourished our imaginations. This show pays tribute to the legends and stories that have shaped our collective identity since the dawn of time.

“Méditerranéa” at Aqueduc des Arceaux
A plunge into the aquatic world. A deep dive into the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, to discover its immensity, beauty and hidden treasures.

“Plongée dans l’audacieux” at the Arc de Triomphe
Water, an indispensable element, brings the various paintings to life.

Light sculpture at Notre-Dame des Tables
Light sculpture on the theme of water with eight art prep students and nine graphic design students in their 2nd year at Studio M.

M28 application submitted to the French Ministry of Culture


Montpellier 2028 was in Paris to submit our bid to the Ministry of Culture.

With : Michaël Delafosse, Mayor of Montpellier and President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole; Adèle Charvet, President of the Montpellier 2028 association; Sophie Léron, General Manager and Nicolas Dubourg, Artistic Director.

Montpellier and all its partner local authorities are working together on a truly ambitious, forward-looking and inclusive regional project. The artistic project presented in the bid is based on 3 concepts – CONNECT, ACT, CELEBRATE – and 3 axes – Living Trails, Time machine, Trans! – .

This bid is the fruit of a joint project involving all our partners across the region, Europe and the African continent.

A big thank you to everyone who shared their imaginations with us and helped us write new stories!

Download the application form in FR
Download the application form in EN